Rakan Dmg Runes Or Support Runes

Here is the mastery page i use in my rakan top games. Runes The runes were the most difficult obstacle for me since you need hybrid dmg,attackspeed,armor,mr and health in it. Basically you need the AD to trade in lane since you only have 2Spells with high cooldown in early game. Runes.lol isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends.

I'm thinking specifically AD carries that get Zeal and Phantom Dancers first (Kog'Maw or Vayne). But it can also definitely work with champions that get Infinity Edge first (Tristana), by rushing Cloak of Agility (830) instead of farming for B.F. Sword (1650). Cloak of Agility can be farmed a lot faster than B.F. Sword, and with the added Crit Dmg bonus, could still do some damage enough to farm for the rest of the items. It can land you some early kills at bot lane because the enemy ADC would still be farming for his B.F. Sword while you already have a Cloak of Agility. It would scale a lot better later on than AD Runes. And it also stacks with Infinity Edge.
So instead of going:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
B.F Sword (1650)
you can go:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Cloak of Agility (830)
TL;DR - B.F. Sword (1650 = expensive). Cloak of Agility (830 = cheap). Cloak of Agility + Crit Dmg Runes (nice scale) = Win?
I'm just curious as to why AD Runes are still preferred over them. I'm still pretty new to this game so can anyone explain?

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[7.24B] RAKAN SUPPORT BUILD - Aery HyperCarry Support

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Summon Aery
Nullifying Orb
Gathering Storm




Ranked #14 in
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Hello MobaFire,
My name is Hotrod2693(NA), and I am a Diamond IV Support player coming out of Season 7. Rakan was the champion that got me almost by himself up from Platinum to Diamond before his nerf.
Rakan has been one of the funnest champions I have ever played in the game. As soon as I saw that he was being released, I instantly fell in love with him, and I hope you enjoy him too. Below I will cover the goal of the build, the reasons for the rune build, and an explanation on each item chosen.


I have also made a YouTube video going over the choice of runes, as well as some game play with it. If you enjoy the video, I would absolutely appreciate any subscriptions to my channel. If you you have any questions you would like answered, either ask here or on the comments in the video and I will do my best to reply to it fast!
YouTube Profile Link: Hotrod08
Subscribe Link: Thank You Very Much!Runes
Video Link: RAKAN BUILD SEASON 8 RUNES (7.24B UPDATED!) - Aery Sustain | SupportCraft

Goal Of The Build

Our goal with this build is to provide Rakan extra mobility to long-range initiate team fights, provide enough durability to survive, provide the ability to have strong team-wide sustain, and abuse his awesome AP ratios to the max.
To put Rakan's AP ratios into perspective, we will do some math for you. I will calculate just 150AP, which is rather easy to obtain with this build (I have played several games with over 300AP as well).
-Rakan's passive shield, Fey Feathers, has a 90% AP ratio on it. With 150 AP, he will be provided an additional 135 shield when the passive comes up, as well as the base shielding together.
-Rakan's Q, Gleaming Quill, has a 70% AP ratio on the heal, adding an extra 105 health each time you hit an enemy champion with it and heal yourself and allies.
-Rakan's E, Battle Dance, has a 80% AP ratio on the shield, which adds an extra 120 shielding on use. Note that you can use Battle Dance twice, meaning that EACH of the two shields has an extra 120 shielding on it, adding a total of 240 extra shielding.
This is why I build AP on Rakan, and why I put a strong emphasis on obtaining it.
This build isn't meant to be an early-game winner. It is made to be a late game monster support, with high AP for his AP ratios, good initiate, good sustain, and good durability. If you can get past 30-35 minutes in the game, you will be one of the top carries on your team with this build.

Rune Choice

Primary Path: Sorcery
-Summon Aery: Adds extra shielding to allies that you heal or shield, as well as extra poke when you do damage to enemies.
-Nullifying Orb: Adds an extra magic shield to yourself when you go below 30% health, providing extra survivability to your kit.
-Transcendence: Provides Rakan 10% CDR, since he does not have much CDR built in early. You can also go Celerity as a preference if you wish.
-Gathering Storm: Adds extra AP depending on how long the game has gone. Below is the specifics:
    10min: 8AP
    20min: 24AP
    30min: 48AP
    40min: 80AP
    50min: 120AP
    60min: 160AP
Secondary Path: Resolve
-Conditioning: +8 Armor/MR + 5% additional Armor/MR based on your total on both values.
-Revitalize: Makes your heals/shields 5% stronger. If ally is under 40% health, increased to 15%


Starter Items:
-Start off with Ancient Coin, your 3 Health Pots and your Trinket
First Backs:
-Upgrade your coin into Nomad's Medallion for the extra money income, get a Dark Seal for the extra AP and mana in lane (Personal Preference), finally get a Sightstone and a control ward to get better vision.
Core Build:
-Boots of Mobility: Allows you to initiate picks and team fights easily, as well as allows Rakan to roam around. Pick up after the laning phase.

Season 10 Rakan Runes

-Athene's Unholy Grail: Provides extra healing when you damage enemies with your Q/W/E, as well as a good boost of AP.
-Talisman of Ascension: Provides durability and movement speed to initiate.
-Redemption: Provides an AOE healing effect as well as stronger healing/shielding on your abilities.
-Ruby Sightstone: Good amount of health as well as wards. Provides 20% CDR to Talisman of Ascension and Redemption.
Situational After Core:
-Locket of the Iron Solari: Extra durability as well as a shield to nearby allies that scales with your extra health from Ruby Sightstone (as well as the CDR from it).
-Ardent Censer: Great AP boost as well as provides your ADC extra attack speed and damage.
-Zhonya's Hourglass: Good armor, AP, and provides extra survivability with active. Does receive CDR from Ruby Sightstone.
-Mejai's Soulstealer: Upgrade your Dark Seal only if your team is doing great and you are barely dying.

Rakan Dmg Runes Or Support Runes Build

[7.24B] RAKAN SUPPORT BUILD - Aery HyperCarry Support