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- Can You Cover Magic And Physical Dmg Ffbe Review
Chance to protect one ally from physical damage (5%) Notes. Cover-type abilities do not stack, only the strongest one is active; Will only work against physical damage; Can only trigger once per enemy turn; Since this ability triggers during enemy turn, actions taken during your turn do not impact the chance of triggering.
Well hello again! Booging Master of the Black Arts here. Rather quickly in comparison. But thanks to fellow member Partyrockin64 providing a suggestion to the CIG's I have been writing. Give guy a follow and tell him thanks if you like this.
This guide is to help you building a team. While great for newer players, maybe advanced players will see my thought processes when it comes to this subject.
First off, I like to say the is no perfect team. The meta evolves and changes. Each mission is different and will require a different way to tackle it. Well, to the best of your luck and ability.
So we'll discuss basic roles. I have provided a set up to give a basic idea.
With the example team the provide picture shows, I have Wilhem, Fryevia x2 Ace and Rem. Some roles are fulfilled by these units. But please don't fret about your luck with using a full 5* base team. This only an example and by no means my static team. I personally never have a static 'main' team. I constantly swap members as the mission calls for. Plus we have five parties we can build and switch around.
I'm fact this kinda important. I'm your options menu, you can set two (formerly there but Arena teams are a fully separate thing.) You can set a companion party and a Colouesm team. The companion team affect who your friends get to use when they select you on the friend unit screen. And always is who your team leader is. Companion party selection makes this static for your friends. Don't worry if you want use your best unit. You can put the same unit in multiple parties without changing equipment! The colouesm team I personally to think of your farm team. I'll discuss that too! But when ended the colouesm, this party is automatically selected. So setting these is a good idea! And that don't need to be different parties. They can be the same party in fact.
So of these five, I do theme each for a task. One is a general story mission, my companion party, a trust master manually farm team, and a farming team.
The companion team is where I set up for current events. So if it's Mog King event, I provide the unit with best possible bonus for my friends. For Story and Said events I put in a decked chaining buddy. Some can provide a tank or healer. It is up to you.
My farm team is full of thief units. These units provide theft skills, and passives to increase item drop chances.
Well as you can see here, when I head into colouesm, this team is automatically choosen for me because I set it. Xon is consider by far the best thief in the game's global version. And he's a 4* base. Waylay is a steal all skill. He has perfect steak chance and a passive that allows you to steal him whenever he steals an item . Provided that stealing an option. But that's not all he has going. He has master thief skill passive that increases rare drops. He has other skills that can be fun like Twist of Fate: it steals an enemy's buff, dispels it from them, and gives it to your team! Very fun.
Lara, not only did we global players get her for free from the movie tie in raid last month (03/18) but they us two copies!! She has a limited dual weild, can chain single and all enemies. But has her only version of Master thief. And all these drop rate boosts stack! Helena required a enchancement in her dual weild skill. But just the plus +1. Now she has normal item drop rate increase. She has some support skills, and her lb is a stat booster. Lastly Zidane, not only having normal dual weild as his trust mastery, provides a second normal item rate up for my team. This a team that can be easily copied the to all being given to you (Lara Croft) 4* base (Xon and Helena) and a 3* base (Zidane) so luck is on your side. Having a farm team is important when need to hunt awakening materials or crafting materials. Plus gave me the chance to talk about the thief role in FFBE.
But that team is a very specific use. And want to know about a general team and events teams. Let's get started. I like to think we have four basic roles but each having subsets.
Let's begin with the role that was the simplest but has grown as the game has.
Tanks: (Wilhem in example)
Tanks are the units that take damage for everyone else. And how they do that is what determines the subset.
First there the draw tank. Sometimes called the Provoke tank. By use of passive higher natural targeting and using active provoke skills, these units will force enemies to attack them instead. Some of these units will have damage reduced while a provoke skill is in effect. Others rely on having very high evasion to not even take damage. The draw back to these tanks is provoke only affects single target attacks. So area attacks become an issue. If you wish to use a provoke tank you want to have a certain chance that they are targeted. Units like Wilhem, White Knight Noel Warrior of Light and Vertias of the Earth have skills that increase targeting chance to 100% for a certain amount of turns. Some further increased via enchancement.
So is there a way to handle area attacks? Yes! But it depends on the type of damage dealt. Which gave rise to the cover tanks.
We have physical cover tanks that have skills to take all damage from area attack. But there the old school single target cover tanks. Those work well in early content so Cecil is has use early abd,was my main tank until Wilhem came and I got lucky pulling him. Cause Willy rules. And guess what? Some provoke tanks do this job too! Warrior of Light was the first to introduce this style of tank when he finally got a 6* form! But there is also Charlotte, Veritas of the Earth and Barusa as more readily drawn options. But We have Basch too. Each tank does have other support options so there's not a singular best cover tank. But if you have Illusionist Nichol from the last Halloween event, he can turn anyone into a physical cover tank.
Ok but we been umrunning into more and more Magic area attacks in newer content. So the final subset for tanks: Magic covers. This still new to global and we have three choices, and one was limited. Mystea, she was first but Basch (again) and Chow joined in. We'll be getting more in the future. These tanks are best using spr builds to soak up that magic damage. And like other tanks they are not one trick ponies. Thus can provide off cover skill use support skills. Basch, thankfully is a regular pool summon, and can be either magic or physical cover. But he can only cover one type at a time.
Rain's story version is a tank. So you are never without a tank. Tanks generally benefit best from Golem equipped. But if you need elemental resistance, switch it up as needed.
Alright we have tanks covered. Next major role are Healers. (Rem in example) Their job is straight, keeping the team up and running. They restore HP, some cases mp. Revive, remove Status. Some have offensive options. Some like Rem Tilith and Luka have skill based healing options, which don't affect no recovery magic missions and silence is laughed at because skills can still be used while silenced. If you're lacking a healer early in your career, Fina story version is unlocked early and fill in a pinch.
Carbunkle, Lakshmi I personally like I'm my healers for Espers.
Next major role is Support. Support units come in many flavors. So let's start. (Ace in example)
Bards: I am being very generalized here. But Bards are speifically stat boosters. True bard units like Roy, Ramza, Lunera and Gilbert (Giiiiillllbert Gillllbert) have songs while in affect lock them in a song stance, removing them from further action til the song is complete (normally 3 turns) but provide constant stat bonuses and maybe other bonuses like regen and refresh(mp regen). But other bars like skills pop up on other units. I'm particular Sorliel, a dancer has amazing comboed dances that have excellent bonus (100% to a single stat then next dance two stars to 120%) but Soleil needs a lot of enchancing for that level of insanity.
Next support type is the Knight. Knights are more commonly called breakers. These units use skills that lower a stat or multiple stats by a certain amount. The highest break is the one that applies (like,star bonuses) So learning the break percents are a good idea. Breaking the enemy makes life easier. By making them hit softer and you can hit them harder. Warrior of Light, 9S, Timothy Melidoul and Steiner are examples of Knight type units. 9S sadly limited. Delita, Basch, Ramza are 5* examples
Next subset are your green mages. These units specialize in boosting elemental resistances. A niche group but becoming more and more important with esper fights and certain bosses and trails. Even Espers provide a barelemental spell or two. But some also provide killer effects to another team member, apply status effects and can provide protection against status affects. Examples: Chloe, Cerius, Minfilia and Olif are readily drawn green mages. Marie and Zargabath are 5* examples.
There no true single unit that specializes in this support type but there is the Imperiler unit. The inverse of the green mage. Lowering elemental resistances on the enemy. Many units have these on their kits, often attacthed to an attack skill. I'm the meta, you want to have a unit that can imperil the major element you are basing the main damage around. Divine Ruination imperils Holy resistance by 50% naturally. Just as an example.
Lastly, while looking like a form of healing most consider this as support, and I am in this camp. Refreshers. Best known as the mp battery. A lot of the best skills cost a lot of mp. And,sometimes a natural refresh trait isn't enough. That's when these units come in. Some provide refresh as a buff recovering over time. Some restore mp as a nuke heal. Charlotte, Enchanced Rosa, Roselia are easy to pull examples. 5* bases are Enchanced Ace, Zargabath, Any 5* bard.
Ok finally, we have the last major role: Damage. Divided into four subsets based on the damage type and attack style. (Fryevia x2 in example)
Physical damage, and Magic damage for type. Single hit and multi hit for style.
Multi hit damage units use skills or spells to hit multiple times in a single use. If you time these attack right, can chain and increase damage. With more damage of using like elements and perfect timing (Elemental and Spark chains respectively)
Physical chainers examples: Amelia, Agrais readily pulled examples. Orlandeau, Tidus as 5* base examples
Magic: William and Shanotto are readily pulled. Trance Terra, Barbaricca for 5* base examples.
Single hit damage units use a skill that has a large damage multipler. Resulting in very large damage. When these are weaved into a chain. The chain bonuses are applied as well. Meaning you'll a single attack in the millions in the endgame when geared right. These units were the old meta until Orlandeau ushered the chain meta with a very easy to chain skill.
Examples: Firion, Setzer are easy to pull. Pyro Glacial Lasswell, Veritas of the Flames as 5* base examples for physical types.
Magic wise, Victoria, Ashe Shantotto are easy to pull units while the Emperor and Rem are 5* base examples.
There are two special damage types you need to aware of. First are Spellblades. These units are deal hybrid damage. Meaning both magic and physical damage. The early spellblade units really sucked and were jokes (Bedile still is!) Then Global got Fryevia. Silva and Darce are lesser but better spellblade units added later. And Recently Kunshira came and is good but is a 5*. Their attacks while having magic damage, can apply all killer effects and dual weild let's use The skills twice.
And the damage type are the summoners. While we had summoning all along. But not a unit that specialized in this mechcanic. We have Rydia, Seymour, Garnet, Will and now Yuna. Tuna brings in using part of the esper gauge forcsummon skills. But the do fill in for that single hit unit but thier power is linked to the esper gauge more than thier mp based skills, which are support skills. Don't over look these five units, Especially Garnet and the 5* base summoners.
Supports and Damage units Espers vary in effectiveness based on what you fighting. So no truly best single esper. Especially the physical damage units since most Espers have killers hiding in thier 2* forms. Mages tend to like Ramuh, Tetra Slypheed and Leviathan for the magic bonuses being higher and Levi having magic killer effects to use. Physical types like Ifirt, Titan and Odin.
Bahumet and Fenrir is best depending on you build them. Being either physical or magic a lot. But could more defensive is built that way.
Alright guys. I hoped you liked but if you more specific FFBE questions, come join us in the Gacca warriors chat or ffbe chat. And talk to peers, I do hang in both. Seeya next time!
Welcome everyone to the first of (hopefully) many FFBE Unit Reviews. Today I will be going over Basch, our newly released 5* base tank.
To start things off let's cover his equipment selection.
Notice all the weapon/armor icons below his stats? That is his equipment selection. He has access to everything in the game besides for harps, whips, throwing weapons and guns. That's absolutely amazing for Basch as it opens up build diversity. Need some defense and fire resistance? Give him a flame shield. Need some spirit and HP? Throw on tabby suit and a staff. With a wealth of possibilities depending on the battle at hand, Basch stands tall.

Let's transition to his base stats now. They are as follows.
HP: 3745
MP: 162
ATK: 132
DEF: 151
SPR: 140
MAG: 108
Along with the base stats, he also gains passive stat boosts to DEF 30%, SPR 30%, HP 40% as well as a conditional passive granting 20% SPR/DEF while wearing a heavy or light shield. Considering his main role is to take damage for the team, all his passive stat boosts grant a massive survivability bonus. They are all welcomed and completely fantastic for him. The more HP, DEF and SPR Basch has, the easier time he has taking damage for the team. Speaking of taking damage for the team, let's get into his notable Active Abilities.
The first ability I'm going to touch on is Auto-refresh. While many units (especially 5*) have auto refresh, the only 5* tanks with auto refresh are Basch and Gladiolus. It's nice to have a little more breathing room with mp.
The second skills I'm touching on are arms/armor eraser. You may be familiar with these skills if you have used warrior of light, and they are identical. 45% AOE ATK/MAG break, and AOE 45% DEF/SPR break. This allows Basch to not only play as a tank, but as a debuffer. Since we only get 5 unit slots and 1 friend, covering 2 critical roles in 1 slot is extremely efficient.
The next set of skills are also going to be lumped together, since there are 4 that all do something extremely similar. They are Fulminating Darkness, Confusing Lament, Ruin Impendent, and Inescapable Disaster. They lower 1 targets stat by 50%. Fulminating Darkness is ATK -50%, Confusing Lament is MAG -50%, Ruin Impendent is DEF -50% and Inescapable Disaster is SPR -50%. You may ask yourself why would we use these abilities when he already has 45% AOE breaks bundled together? Well the way that higher % breaks are calculated makes these breaks about 16% more effective in their respective stat then the 45% breaks. So if you need a little more survival or offensive power, they are a great skill to have.
Okay, let's get into the main tanking skills, and the ones you guys will be using most of the time. There are 2 and they are both superb.
Dawn Guard: Chance to protect all allies from Physical damage (75%) with damage mitigation (50%-70%) to caster.
Twilight Guard: Chance to protect all allies from Magical damage (75%) with damage mitigation (50%-70%) to caster.
That's right folks, Basch has the ability to cover either physical or magical damage. These 2 skills are the bread and butter of his skillset, allowing Basch to take damage for your entire team. Big AOE Physical attack coming? Basch can cover and take all the damage for your team. Incoming Magic AOE? Same. While these roles have been covered by other units previously, Basch is the first to bring both to the table.
Note that you cannot cover both at once. Your either covering magic damage or physical damage. Pick wisely depending on the battle. The same rule applies to the rest of the AOE cover tanks.
Previously the only magic cover tank was Mystea, so now there are at least options. On the physical side he competes with Warrior of Light, Gladio, an iNichol tank, Veritas of the Earth and Barusa. While those units are all fantastic, not a single one of them has the sheer stat total of Basch, giving him an edge in stats.
The one tanking thing Basch does lack is a single target provoke skill. Units like Wilhelm, White Knight Noel, Cagnazzo, Gladio using royal guard, and Barusa all can provide the team with single target re direction while it requires Basch specific equipment and esper allocation to preform such job.
Sample Builds-
Can You Cover Magic And Physical Dmg Ffbe Download
Note that this is a completely unpotted Basch. Your stat values will vary depending on gear and stat pot allocation.
Can You Cover Magic And Physical Dmg Ffbe 2
Physical AOE cover
Here I'm making a build with high HP and DEF, useful when using Dawn Guard to cover physical damage for all allies.
Magical AOE Cover
Here we switch to a SPR focused build. This works well while using Twilight Guard to cover incoming magic attacks. While a few of the equips are the same, the ones that are different make a huge difference in his focused stat total. Without his broad equipment selection these drastic stat shifts wouldn't be possible.
Before we get to the final verdict on the unit let's quickly jump into his TMR, or Trust Mastery Reward: Zodiac Escutcheon
This heavy shield provides a whopping 60 def and 70 spr, as well as 10% physical evasion and 50% lightning resist. Based on stats alone this is on par or better then Wilhelm's TMR and Gladio's TMR, the 2 best heavy shields in the game. It's flat better then Wilhelm's since it provides much more spr and 10% evade. Gladios' TMR has more def, and 15%hp while sacrificing a ton of SPR and 10% evade. Imo it's tied for the best shield in the game with Gladio's TMR.
Final Verdict on Basch- 9.5/10

Can You Cover Magic And Physical Dmg Ffbe 5
While there are other tanks that can do similar jobs, Basch has the stats, equipment selection, and slightly superior breaks over his competition. He isn't required if you already have WoL and Mystea. There are fights where Mystea can be superior to Basch as a magic cover tank with her unique support set, but she lacks the equipment selection to be easily geared for high HP/DEF/SPR stats like Basch. He is THE premier AOE cover tank, and will be for the next 6 months.
Thanks everyone for reading if you've gotten this far. Hopefully this review has given you some insight into Basch.
Background credit goes to AlBryce
Can You Cover Magic And Physical Dmg Ffbe Review
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