League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers

Tl;dr Should I play Shen as a bruiser or a tank?
For some odd reason, I decided to main Shen. Yes, that's right, I decided to main a champion that is banned every game.
Yet I greatly enjoy him, he can walk into any team fight, save all his squishies and walk out like a boss.
When I first started playing him, I would max my Q first, then E.
my item build would be along the lines of merc boots > (chainmail if needed) > Warmog > Atmas > sunfire > banshee veil > Rylais/F Mallet/trinity force.
Although it was fun bullying peeps at summoner level 10 with this build, I've been queuing with some of my level 30 friends recently, and I find that this Q and passive focus build was not effective in late game teamfights.
So now I would get my Q till 3, then spread E and W according to what my team needs. I would save my energy for E in teamfights.
Item: Merc tread > HoG > Warmog > Chain Mail > Force of Nature > Rylais > Omen
This is pretty much how I build my normal Shen; the order will be different depending on what my enemy team is. Abysmal scepter, Sunfire, Trinity force are some optional items.
Yet now I notice Shen is not too great of a tank; although he has a taunt and shield, he still doesn't have the ultility that makes Trundle or Ranmus a tank... so what do?

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But this isn't the case with league. Currently, most tanks deal more damage than ADC's and Assassins, with a few exceptions. You have people like Kled, Garen, Darius, who all easily deal more damage than assassins while at the same time being extremely tanky, making them nigh unkillable if they're skilled players. THIS is the problem.

League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers Lyrics


League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers Free

  1. May 28, 2012  I feel really bad that every game played, win the team which has more tanks/bruisers My personal thoughts in the current meta: 1. No matter what good team do you have and how much OP AD/AP carry your team have, it will be killed by ANY (of the below) good Tank/Bruiser faster that speed of.
  2. Mar 04, 2016  Why are tanks able to outdamage champions that specifically build damage? For example, laning against a champion like Garen is ridiculous. He builds one tank item with no damage but can instantly kill me with q-e-ult and I can barely dent him with ravenous hydra or whatever other damage item I.