Spell Dmg Gear Explained Vanilla Wow


Spell Dmg Gear Explained Vanilla Wow Free

Hello there. Information of this seems sparse. I'm looking at fine details, not just matter-of-fact.
I'm wondering how damage/healing items work.
What does this do: [up to 40 damage / healing] ?
What does this do: [+40 damage]?
What does this do: [+40 healing]?

I believe these are based on cast times for the maximum effect ... but 'up to X damage'? does that mean 1dX RNG? Up to 40 damage is 1d40 damage? AVG~20?
Cast time matters. An instant cast, as a wand, cannot expect those rewards. But what about wands with +damage or +healing? Healing wands are very sought after.
Is there a difference between [up to] damage vs +damage .. or [up to] healing vs direct +healing
Anyways, an explanation of +damage +healing items would be appreciated. It's probably simple, yet elusive to me. Thanks!

Spell Dmg Gear Explained Vanilla Wow Food

Jun 28, 2016 Sorry to start yet another WoW thread, but I’ve tried finding this info elsewhere and I can’t find anything useful. Maybe one of the WoW hardcore here can help me out. What, exactly, does an item that says “+3 shadow spell damage” do for me? Or one that say “+9 healing spells”? I mean obviously those are boosts to my spells.


Spell Dmg Gear Explained Vanilla Wow Download

Spell Dmg Gear Explained Vanilla Wow Build

  • Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Stats Guide, here we explain what each Primary Attribute does Strength, Intellect, Agility, Stamina and Spirit.We will also discuss secondary stats such as Weapon and Spell Critical Strike Chance, Dodge Chance, Hit Chance, Attack Speed, etc.
  • Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard (4), Greater Eternal Essence (12), Essence of Fire (4), Essence of Water (4), Essence of Air (4), Golden Pearl (2).