Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji

Fan of blades: same, no aim required. Spammed in general direction and used in mosts kills while you jump around your target with double jump and cyber agility (not even considering right click melee combo).-Reflect: one of the best defensives in the game and of the few which can be cancelled on demand.

  1. Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji Free
  2. Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji Download
  3. Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji 2

When Blizzard hits something with the nerf bat, it hits it hard. Genji lost his melee-into-dash combo, his Dragonblade went from 8 seconds to 6 seconds AND he can't double jump from walls anymore.

  1. Mei can freeze enemies in place, shoot frost, and freeze herself to heal and protect herself from enemies. Learn Mei's stats at Overwatch Guide.
  2. The Japanese version data and NA dash data was taken from Antdgar's Frame Data. Super Smash Bros. Melee rankings. Starting in Melee, much like with air acceleration, there exist two acceleration values for each character's initial dash speed until it reaches their run speed: a base value that determines the minimum acceleration, and an additional value that is scaled based on how much the.

2 of those nerfs would be a hard hit, but all 3 sounds excessive. I'd be surprised if Genji is still popular after that.

I can see Blizzard vision there thou, specially with the double jump nerf. Genji was doing stuff he was not supposed to do, at least not on Blizzard initial design.

Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji Free

I'd be surprised if he is still picked after that though. He is still a high risk hero but I feel the reward is not there.

Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji Download


Dash Right Click Melee Dmg Genji 2

On the good side, Mei got buffed. Horray! :D