Can You Check Dmg Numbers In Dauntles

With Numbers, you can create beautiful spreadsheets that include impressive tables and images. You can even use Apple Pencil on your iPad to add useful diagrams and colorful illustrations. And with real-time collaboration, your team can work together, whether they’re on Mac, iPad, or iPhone, or using a PC. With Numbers, you can create beautiful spreadsheets that include impressive tables and images. You can even use Apple Pencil on your iPad to add useful diagrams and colorful illustrations. And with real-time collaboration, your team can work together, whether they’re on Mac, iPad, or iPhone, or using a PC. May 21, 2019 You can also use your Epic Games account to access your progress on any system. Character creator rework. Improvements to the character creator mean that Slayers can now create more attractive characters and explore more options when styling (or restyling) their in-game representative. Slayers now also have the option to randomize their appearance.

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Grab your sword and a health potion or two, it’s time to go hunting in Dauntless.

Dauntless is a free-to-play monster hunting co-op game by Phoenix Labs which finally launched on PC, PS4 and Xbox One last week after a lengthy beta period.

If you’re new to Dauntless, you’ll soon see that there’s quite a lot to get your head around, so we’ve created this guide to help you get started.

Dauntless offers true cross-play, which means that PS4, PC and Xbox One players can all play together as well as share progress across accounts on different platforms. There’s also the latest Hunt Pass, Hidden Blades, that will allow you to earn exclusive cosmetic items for your Slayer over 50 tiers.

Dauntless – tips to get started

For PC players, it might be more comfortable to change the key bindings in the first instance. Jump is F and dodge is space, but I found switching them around allowed me to control my Slayer better.

In the Mastery section, you’ll see a bunch of challenges you can complete by using certain weapons, killing specific Behemoths and the like which will earn you rewards, such as Cores or Orbs. You’ll have to use a variety of weapons and defeat different types of Behemoth to complete them all.

Can You Check Dmg Numbers In Dauntles

You can open the Cores to find Cells, which are mods and upgrades for your gear. There are loads to find, such as those for speed, evasion and even one that reduces fire damage. As you build your loadout, remember to switch them often to maximise your efficiency on hunts. If you end up with too many of the same Cells, speak to the Middleman in Ramsgate to fuse them together to make an improved version of the Cell.

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If you’re the lowest level in your party, then ask to be the party leader so that your higher level friends can help you grind through the early stages quickly.

Some of the Weekly Challenges can be completed simultaneously, like the one where you need to use a Frost weapon and slaying a specific number with a sword. Equipping a Frost sword kills two birds with one stone, so make sure you equip gear effectively before you begin a hunt.

Experiment with different weapons. Axes are good at helping chop off tails or knee-capping a Behemoth which will bag you some extra loot. You can look at a weapon’s Move List by equipping it then selecting the Move List menu. Make sure you equip the appropriate potions and grenades before beginning a hunt, too.

At the end of each hunt, you’ll get a hunt rank, which depends on how many times you die, get hit and how much damage you deal. The better you are, the more likely you are to get that sweet S++ rank.

Dodging is important as it uses less stamina than sprinting away, so roll away as often as you can before landing a strike and keep an eye on your Danger meter. Each player has three self-revives, but if you reach 100% Danger, you’ll have to rely on a friend reviving you.

There are five different elemental types you can specialise in: Shock, Blaze, Frost, Terra, and Neutral. You begin as Neutral and it isn’t a bad strategy to stay Neutral for the first few hours of the game as you’ll likely get more loot from Behemoths this way. Once you’re past Level 10, you can diversify and make a build to suit your playstyle. As you progress through the quests, you’ll unlock crafting where you can create and upgrade weapons and gear.

And finally, you can pet the dogs in Ramsgate.

Dauntless – where to find Deathmarks and boost your Hunt Pass Exp

Scattered around Ramsgate are red Deathmarks, which are banners on the ends of arrows you find in the side of buildings. Their locations change every day, and collecting all 10 of them will net you 50 Hunt Pass experience, which is the equivalent to half a Hunt Pass level.

They might be in slightly different locations to that of your friends, so just run around Ramsgate until a notification pings that you found them all.

Dauntless – weapon types

As you progress, you’ll unlock the six weapon times, which are Axes, Chain Blades, Hammers, Swords, War Pikes and Ostian Repeaters. Each of these types has multiple versions based on the Behemoths you slay, and as part of the main quest, you are tasked with crafting a sword after slaying an Embermane that will be enchanted with fire damage.

Hammers deal Blunt damage, which is also called Stagger damage, if you do enough of this damage you’ll stun a Behemoth allowing for some free hits.

The likes of War Pikes deal Piercing damage, which stacks on specific body parts until they reach Wounded status, which then increases the amount of damage that body part takes from all sources of Slashing damage on your team. A Hammer, however, will cause Stammer damage which can stun a Behemoth, allowing your party to slash away for a few seconds unhindered. Swords do an impressive amount of slashing damage, which lets you hack away at limbs and gather teeth and the like.

Axes are relatively slow but deal a higher amount of Slashing damage. Its special move is an axe throw, which is useful if you’re keeping an enemy at a distance or if it is a larger, slower Behemoth.

Chain Blades are a quick weapon with light Slashing damage, with a mix of long and close-range attacks. These are good for hacking off Behemoth parts and the special move lets you teleport close to – or away from -a Behemoth. You can also chain attacks, as the name suggests, but using the quick attack three times before using a heavy attack that will send you twirling around dealing damage.

There’s also the Ostian Repeaters dual revolvers, which are slow-firing Slash damage weapons. You can fire 12 bullets before you need to reload, and if you fire from close-range you’ll become Empowered which lets you double your damage. You can edit the elemental type of the Ostian Repeaters and install Prisms to add extra finesse.

Hammers are also a slower weapon but deal high amounts of Blunt/ Stagger damage. If you hit a Behemoth on the head, you’ll stun it. Interestingly, the Hammer’s secondary attack is a cannon, and the special allows you to reload the cannon with an active reload timing when you press the second attack key. You can also fire yourself into the air to slam attack the Behemoth, which is pretty cool.

Swords deal a fair amount of Slashing damage and have both fast and slower swings. You can combo moves easily enough and every time you strike the enemy, your elemental burst meter will charge which unleashes a powerful special.

War Pikes offer much the same as swords except they have Piercing damage. Piercing a body part allows your team to inflict increased damage on that part, which is useful when taking down more challenging foes. The secondary attack is a wide swing that inflicts Slash damage and you can combo them together. The special move fires slashing projectiles that aim towards wounded areas for a targetted attack.

In terms of defence, you can equip a Lantern and mods that will allow you to share shields with your party, as well as other bonuses from slaying Behemoths. Dodging, as we said earlier, is your best defence, so keep rolling along and watch out for the Behemoth’s pattern of attack.

Dauntless Guides

Playing and Winning the Numbers Game

Successful ROI strategies for call centers in a challenged economy.

By Donna Fluss
CallCenter Magazine

The days of easy money are over for technology providers and buyers.

A slowing economy crimped corporate budgets in 2000 and 2001. And, as the economy now threatens to dip into recession – a prospect that September’s terrorist attacks may well hasten by prompting jittery consumers and businesses to cut spending and investments – 2002 could see further belt tightening, not least among call centers. Indeed, for the rest of 2001, call center investments should substantially slow while businesses fund security and disaster recovery efforts.

Unconventional Wisdom

But by next year, companies should start thinking seriously about enhancing call center operations. That’s because, in a recession, vendors are eager to sell products at bargain prices. And because 70% to 80% of call center costs are people-related, managers who are willing to sacrifice staff, in the short-term, for new investments will deliver savings. Enhancing call centers is the best way to reduce costs while improving quality. Investing now, while many competitors are paralyzed by financial constraints, will give enterprises a competitive edge, particularly once the economy recovers.

The objectives of most call center investments are to improve quality and increase productivity and/or revenue. Successful call center investments must simultaneously address people, process, and technology. Introducing a new technology or application, without analyzing its impact, can doom the effort to failure. Even in the best of times, call centers cannot afford mistakes; in a challenged economy mistakes are unforgivable.

This table shows typical returns from different call center investments. (The ROI calculation includes the development and implementation time.) The benefits are large for many of these investments, which is why they will be funded even when budgets are tight. Use this table as a benchmark for projected ROI, but modify the projected benefits to reflect your internal operating environment.

Select an investment based on a careful assessment of needs in conjunction with the enterprise’s CRM strategy. For example, an enterprise replacing a mainframe-based transaction management system with a Web-based customer service and support (CSS) call tracking application will yield a different return from an organization swapping a three-tiered CSS for an n-tiered application. The first organization realized a 24-month return while the latter will have to wait three or four years before seeing the benefits.

As call centers evolve into contact centers that handle both phone and on-line communication, investments will increase in tactical e-service solutions: e-mail response management systems (ERMs), Web self-help, and virtual agents. When properly implemented, all three of these point solutions have improved quality and productivity in contact centers. Too often, projects fail because companies do not carefully analyze needs and buy the wrong application. Initiatives also disappoint when companies take short cuts, skip testing during implementations, and do not garner adequate knowledge and resources. These failures create incremental costs instead of savings.

For example, Web self-help products, which can pay for themselves in two months, might be a great idea for a call center. There’s one catch: The success of Web self-help products depends on having a pre-defined database or library of answers or knowledge. To have the correct answers, enterprises must accurately anticipate the questions their customers will ask. During the last two years, many self-help implementations have failed because enterprises did not determine customer needs before building the application. This is a classic mistake of answering questions they wanted their customers to ask, instead of responding to what customers were actually asking.

This is a costly and sometimes fatal error. Customers confronted with worthless information will abandon a site and go to a competitor. Or, they’ll revert to calling a customer rep, at a cost at least twenty times that of a Web self-help transaction. (See sidebar.) Minimize the risks by carefully planning and implementing the application. “Time to market” is no longer an excuse for taking short cuts.

Making the Case

There are many methods of justifying investments but the standard is return on investment (ROI). ROI is a short-term measure of the value that an investment brings to an enterprise. It addresses payback (i.e., how long before a given investment contributes to an enterprise’s bottom line).

The ROI analysis forces an investor to assess the costs and benefits of a potential investment. The current ROI approval guideline for most call center investments is 12 to 18 months, though many tactical initiatives are expected to have a positive return in three to six months. Investments that companies properly justify will likely be approved.

Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) are looking for quantifiable numbers, not projections based on market expectations or vendor hype. Most call centers are measured based on productivity metrics; while such metrics aren’t the best measure of call center effectiveness, they offer the hard numbers needed to get an investment approved. Investments that result in real dollar savings and/or cost avoidance are the only ones CFOs will accept. Acceptable investment justification metrics include:

  1. Staff reduction (productivity improvements),
  2. Call and e-mail deflection and/or reduction,
  3. Reduction in training and hiring costs,
  4. Real estate expense savings,
  5. Telecom expense reduction,
  6. Savings in depreciation expense,
  7. Reduction in system development/ integration/maintenance expenses, and
  8. Increase in customer revenue.

All of these metrics result in productivity enhancements, quantifiable savings or incremental revenue.Unacceptable ROI justification measures include:

  1. Increase in customer loyalty,
  2. Enhanced customer satisfaction,
  3. Decrease in account attrition, and
  4. Sales referrals.

The above measures can be included in an ROI analysis. But call centers cannot use them solely for justification because they are “soft” numbers that are difficult, if not impossible, to quantify.

This table summarizes the justification criteria acceptable for different types of call centers.

When justifying investments, separate the savings categories. Do not lump the savings, avoidance and revenue numbers into one benefits line. Most CFOs accept cost avoidance in an ROI analysis. But many, constrained by budgets, will reject requests for funding or ask for additional information – a common delay tactic.

Such delays often extend for up to a year. And when managers submit the revised analysis, they frequently miss the enterprise’s annual budget cycle. Avoid this pitfall by providing a complete ROI analysis from the outset. Use hard numbers that can be proven. And expect to be held accountable.

Action Item: Obtain the corporate ROI guidelines and project approval forms from the office of the CFO before beginning the analysis.

Investment Strategies

The CRM wave of the past four years has increased the importance of the servicing organization to the enterprise. The subsequent economic slowdown has, however, offset many of these gains.

Businesses might conclude they should reduce their service arm’s budget, due to its high expense base, before slowing investments to the primary revenue-producing groups: sales and marketing. However, the service organization touches the enterprise’s customers more frequently than sales or marketing. The service arm also more greatly impacts customer perception and loyalty.

What is relevant to most CFOs is reducing cost and generating incremental revenue. Effective call centers do both. To gain approval for investments, call center managers must aggressively pursue all savings, cost avoidance and revenue enhancement opportunities. This often means trading staff for funding. Meeting these numbers will make you a hero, but failure to deliver projected savings can be fatal in today’s economy.

Strategies for projecting investment benefits range from using vendor-supplied numbers to conducting an onsite beta, to speaking to references, to taking an educated guess (the last remains the most frequent and overused approach). While it is tedious to analyze all aspects of a potential investment before submitting it for approval, the preparation and planning will ultimately save the organization money by reducing implementation time.

“Economics is everything, in good and bad times,” says Beth Eisenfeld, a research director at Gartner Group. Companies should keep that bit of wisdom in mind when striving to obtain acceptable ROI numbers. When one cannot justify a single investment on its merits, combining related projects (say, quality assurance and training initiatives) into one justification may provide the financial results required to obtain approval.

Combining synergistic projects into one financial analysis is different than justifying CRM suites that include sales, marketing, customer service and electronic commerce functionality. According to Eisenfeld, “60% to 70% of enterprises that try to implement CRM suites do not realize the projected ROI and more than half of these initiatives fail.” The projects with the highest likelihood of success are those that are divided into distinct and measurable phases.

Action Item: Calculate investment benefits aggressively but realistically. Conservative savings projections will not get you fired, but won’t be approved.

Project returns vary depending upon many factors, including:

  1. Call center size,
  2. Call center purpose,
  3. Call center maturity,
  4. Call center risk profile,
  5. Timing,
  6. Skill and experience of management, customer service representatives, and the technical support organizations,
  7. Technology or application,
  8. Previous experience,
  9. Use of investment,
  10. Training,
  11. Product pricing, and
  12. Product implementation.

Because of the uniqueness of each operating area, two companies, or even two departments within the same company, will not likely achieve the same results from an investment. A contact center with 60 seats will achieve different results than a contact center with 350 seats. The larger contact center is likely to accrue benefits more quickly.

Once metrics to obtain project approval are selected, they must be captured and reported on an ongoing basis. Failure to establish baseline data at the beginning of a project makes it impossible to measure the project’s benefits as it progresses.

Final Thoughts

No amount of investment planning and strategizing, to be sure, can guarantee approval of call center projects. But one can substantially boost the chances for funding by planning on a 12 to 18 month payback; trading staff-related expenses for investment dollars; and driving home to the CEO that investing now in call center applications will give an enterprise a competitive edge, particularly when the economy picks up.

Average Call Center Costs

Phone call: $5.50 – ranges from $2.00 to $12.00
IVR: $0.45 – ranges from $ 0.25 to $ 1.00
E-mail: $5.00 – ranges from $2.50 to $40.00
Web Self-Help: $0.24 – ranges from $0.05 to $ 0.50
Web Collaboration/Chat: $7.00 – ranges from $1.50 to $12.00

Source: Gartner Measurement

Can You Check Dmg Numbers In Dauntless

ROI Projections for Call and Contact Center Investments

Can You Check Dmg Numbers In Dauntless 1

Projected ROI
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)18 to 48 monthsAlcatel, Aspect, Avaya, Cellit Technologies,
Interactive Intelligence, Nortel, Rockwell, Siemens
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)3 to 18 monthsAspect, Avaya, Cellit Technologies, Edify, Interactive
Intelligence, InterVoice-Brite, Periphonis/Nortel, Syntellect
Outbound Dialer12 to 36 monthsAspect, Avaya, eshare, Cellit Technologies,
Davox, Interactive Intelligence, Oracle
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)6 to 36 monthsAlcatel/Genesys, Apropos, Aspect, Avaya, Cisco/GeoTel,
CosmoCom, Davox, eshare, Interactive Intelligence
Intelligent Call Routing
(Network Management)
3 to 9 monthsAlcatel/Genesys, Aspect, Cisco/GeoTel, IEX
Speech Recognition 6 to 16 monthsNuance, Philips, SpeechWorks
Voice Authentication 9 to 24 monthsNuance, T-Netix, Veritel
Text-To-SpeechNot Yet DeterminedAT&T, Lernout & Hauspie, Nuance, SpeechWorks
Customer Service and Support (CSS) Call Tracking Application24 to 60 monthsApplix, Avaya, Chordiant, Epic or Kana, Nortel/Clarify, Onyx, Oracle, Pegasystems, PeopleSoft, Point, SAP, Siebel, Talisma, Web Tone/SAIC/Broadway & Seymour
Telemarketing/telesales application12 to 36 monthsChordiant, Nortel/Clarify, Oracle,
Pegasystems, PeopleSoft, Siebel
Campaign Management System (CMS)3 to 18 monthsAnnuncio Software, Aprimo, Chordiant, Davox, Delano, eGain, E.piphany, eshare, Kana, NCR, SAS Institute, Siebel, Talisma, Unica, Xchange
Remote AgentNot Yet DeterminedAlcatel, Aspect, Avaya, Nortel, Siemens, Teltone
Entitlements6 to 18 monthsAntenna Software, Astea, Click Software, DiCarta, Field Centrix, Imany, Metrix, Nortel/Clarify, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, ViryaNet
Configuration Software18 to 36 monthsCalico, Chordiant, Cybrant, FirePond, i2 Technologies, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Selectica, Siebel, Triology
Analytics9 to 24 monthsAspect, Delano, Kana, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel
Knowledge Management 10 to 60 monthsChordiant, eGain, Kana, Primus, ServiceWare
WirelessNot Yet DeterminedAlcatel, Ericsson, eshare, IBM, Lucent,
Motorola, Talisma, Verizon, 3Com
Internet Protocol (IP)Not Yet DeterminedAlcatel, Aspect, Avaya, Cisco, Nortel, Siemens, 3Com
Management Tools
Quality Assurance/Logging
Application (QA)
6 to 24 monthsCellit Technologies, Comverse, Dictaphone, e-talk, Eyretel, Interactive Intelligence, Mercom, Nice, Thales/Racal, Witness Systems
E-Mail Quality Assurance3 to 6 monthsComverse, Eyretel, e-talk, Nice, Witness Systems
Workforce Management
Application (WFM)
3 to 48 monthsAspect/TCS, Blue Pumpkin, IEX, Pipkins
Training Programs1 to 18 monthsDepartmental or vendor basic training, communications training, product training, sales training, up-training, etc.
Skills-Based Routing 9 to 24 monthsAlcatel, Aspect, Avaya, Chordiant, Davox, eshare, Kana, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Rockwell, Siebel, Siemens, Talisma
Scripting Software3 to 12 monthsAspect, Avaya, Chordiant, Davox, eshare, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, Talisma
E-Service / E-Sales
Universal Queué (UQ)18 to 48 monthsApropos, Aspect, Avaya, Cisco/GeoTel, CosmoCom, Davox, eshare, Oracle, Siebel, Synchrony
E-Mail Response Management
System (ERMs)
3 to 18 monthsAlcatel/Genesys, Avaya, Banter, Cellit Technologies, Chordiant, Davox, eGain, eshare, Firepond, Island Data Corporation, Kana, Kanisa, Oracle, RightNow Technologies, Siebel, Synchrony, Talisma, Web Tone
Web Self-Help2 to 12 monthsAskJeeves, Banter, Chordiant, eGain, eshare, Firepond, Island Data Corporation, Kana, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Primus, Quiq, RightNow Technologies, Service Ware, Siebel, Talisma
Virtual Agents6 to 18 monthsAskJeeves, eGain, NativeMinda, RightNow Technologies
Collaboration (advanced co-browsing)May Increase CostAspect, Avaya, Chordiant, Cisco, eGain, eshare, HipBone, Kana, Siebel, Talisma
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)Not Yet DeterminedAcapel, Aspect, Avaya, Cisco, CosmoCom, Nortel
Community SoftwareNot Yet DeterminedPeopleLink