Thresh Aram Dmg Build 6.22

Not Updated For Current Season

Thresh Pro Builds. Thresh Stats. 10.3 Analysed 29,399 Platinum+ Thresh games this week Thresh ARAM Highest Win Rune Page for Platinum+. Live forever Durability and crowd control. 51.68% Win 6.48% Pick. Guard allies you cast spells on and those that are very nearby. If you or a guarded ally would take damage. Build guides for Thresh on MOBAFire. Find Thresh guides from summoners and champion builds based on stats for all League of Legends (LoL) champions. Join the largest League of Legends strategy community!

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Thresh Aram Dmg Build 6.22 Build

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Thresh Aram Dmg Build 6.22
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se hace facil ya que el Yasuo es cuerpo a cuerpo y thresh es a distancia asi que no hay mucho problemas


Thresh Aram Dmg Build 6.22

Fiddlesticks es a distancia y se puede poner dificil ,asi que trata de hacer un buen farm y molestarlo y si tienes poca vida vete ,recupera toda tu vida y regresa c: