How Do I Gain Hp Dmg On Kog In Lol

Greetings fellow Lolers. It's Brokenshard here with my 2nd guide. This time around i'll be covering Kog'Maw, the mouth of abyss.
Kog'Maw is a ranged champion, capable of causing death from above with high amounts of burst. He is a tank killer and a squishy killer. He excells at taking out enemies from far ranges without actually entering a combat zone.
Pros and Cons
- High range abilities
- Good amount of burst, with 3 active direct damage spells
- Living Artillery has a low initial mana cost (40 mana) and has good damage
- If mana is used correctly, will have little to no mana problems in the early and late games
- Can easily kill tanks or people who stack armor/health
- Goes down fast when targeted
- 3 of his abilities are at long cooldowns, making Living Artillery his only spammable move
- No escape mechanism (other than Void Oozes slow) makes for difficult escapes
- If mana is used incorrectly, will have bad mana problems in early and mid game
Kog'Maw takes the term glass cannon in a literal sense, capable of causing death and destruction to all targets with little to no exception.
Icathian Surprise - Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to move faster and detonate after 4 seconds; dealing 100 + (25 x lvl) true damage to surrounding enemies.
In my honest opinion, not the best passive in the world, but it has its conditional uses, such as going toe to toe with an enemy and killing him after dying. Sometimes in a team fight when I overextend myself, I find running into enemies with this can cause a good amount of damage. 100 = 25(18) = 550 at level 18
Caustic Spittle - Passive: Increases Armor Penetration by a %. Active: Kog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals magic damage and doubles his passive armor penetration for 4 seconds (Removes the passive until available again).
Passive: Increases Armor Penetration by 13/16/19/22/25%.
Active: Kog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage and doubles his passive armor penetration for 4 seconds (Removes the passive until available again).
8/8/8/8/8 seconds
60/60/60/60/60 Mana
This is Kog'Maw's anti-armor approach. Passivley improves your armor penetration by 25% at max rank, and once activated, does damage and doubles your passive armor penetration for 4 seconds (50% at max rank) Be warned, after the 4 seconds are up you must wait an additional 4 seconds before your passive bonus comes up. This, in my opinion, is a fine skill to use. It not only increases your armor penetration passively, but also counts as one of your single-target nukes. I get one point of this early game, where it doesn't shine, but towards the late game, this will be used to take out armor stacking champions like Rammus, for example.
Bio-Arcane Barrage - Kog'Maw's attacks gain range and deal a percent of the target's maximum health as magic damage.
Kog'Maw's attacks gain 140/180/220/260/300 range and deal an additional 2/3/4/5/6% (+0.01) of the target's maximum Health as Magic Damage (Max: 100 Damage vs Monsters). Lasts 6 seconds.
20/20/20/20/ seconds
50/50/50/50/50 Mana
At max rank, will boost your initial range of 450 to 750. This is your second anti-tank ability, capable of melting your enemy tanks 6% at a time. AP and this don't stack well, as you'll need at least 100 Ability power before this adds a %. This move generally applies to anyone, as 6% is quite a bit when you're talking of life. This will help you take towers from a large range away, as well as harass enemies from a good distance. Very important skill to max.
Void Ooze - Kog'Maw launches a peculiar ooze which damages all enemies it passes through and leaves a trail which slows enemies who stand on it.
Kog'Maw launches ooze which deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage to enemies it passes through.
Additionally, it leaves a trail which slows enemies by 28/36/44/52/60% for 4 seconds.
13/13/13/13/13 seconds
80/90/100/110/120 Mana
Very good skill, almost a staple Kog'Maw skill. Its an AOE pseudo skill-shot ability. It's a skillshot in a sense that it doesn't home in, but it passes through creeps, sort of like a shock-wave. This ability has the same range as Living Artillery at rank 1. This is your slow and damager, put into a nice package together. Good for escaping if you have the time to turn around, shoot this at your enemies to slow them. Note, the enemies must be hit by your ball to take damage, however, if they step on the path at any time, even without getting hit by the ball, they will still be slowed, remember that.
Living Artillery - Kog'Maw fires a living artillery shell at a great distance dealing damage and revealing targets. Additionally, multiple Living Artilleries in a short period of time cause them to cost additional mana.
Kog'Maw fires artillery from a great distance. After a short delay, the artillery falls dealing 80/120/160 (+0.3) magic damage and reveals targets for 4 seconds (deals 150% bonus damage to Champions).
Each subsequent Living Artillery in the next 6 seconds costs 40/40/40 additional mana (Max 250).
2/1.5/1 seconds
40/40/40 Mana
This is by far, my favourite ability. Ever. Its your harasser, finisher, damager and scouter all in one package. It deals good damage (even at level 1) and stacks well with AP. Be warned, simultaneous casts of this will drain your mana quickly. Fire this into bushes to figure out if an incoming gank is incoming. Fire this onto enemies near towers so that your team can push. Combine this with Void Ooze for some terrific burst all game long.
Skill Order
Here is the priority with left being the most important
Living Artillery <- Void Ooze <- Bio-Arcane Barrage <- Caustic Spittle
For those who would like build, here it is
1) VO (Void Ooze)
2) BAB (Bio Arcane Barrage)
3) VO
4) CS (Caustic Spittle)
5) VO
6) LA (Living Artillery)
7) VO
8) BAB
9) VO
10) BAB
11) LA
12) BAB
13) BAB
14) CS
15) CS
16) LA
17) CS
18) CS
I have found great success with this build, as an early rank in Caustic Spittle increases your armor penetration from 0 to 13%, which is good for last hitting and harassing enemy champions early game. Void Ooze is maxed first for obvious reasons for being your nuke and slow. BAB is for the range early game for harassing champs, and to be ready in mid game to take on high HP champions. Living Artillery is self explanatory. CS is maxed last.
Item Build:
For the AP build, i usually start out with a Dorans ring or Mana Crystal, whichever I feel like. Be noted, the Mana Crystal will be turned into a Tear of the Goddess. This is, by far, an AMAZING item on Kog'Maw, considering he spams his abilities like crazy, gaining the full effect. Boots can differ from Mercury Treads, Boosts of Swiftness, or the Spell Pen shoes. Decide on them depending on the enemy team makeup. Ninja Tabi is also a good option.
You're going to want to get your Archangel Staff as soon as possible, turning your already increasing mana into AP. After i get AA and boots of choice, I get a Guinsoo Rageblade starting with Blasting Wand. The Rageblade helps take on tanks with Bio-Arcane Barrage with the increased attack speed, plus the AP you get from each stacks (40 at 8 stacks) greatly increases your effective damage in both physical and magical damage. After Guinsoo, you can decide to get a Zonyas Ring, Rod of Ages, Rylais or Lichbane. I usually get the Rylais first for the added survivabilty and the slow on all abilties. After Rylais i go for Zonyas, followed by Lichbane. The Core, however, ends after you get your 4th item, wether it be Rylais, Zonyas or Lichbane. After, you can get items that suit your enemy team. You can get Banshees veil for the HP/Mana and spell protection, Thormail if you find yourself getting targeted by melee champs. You decide, these 2 slots are left for 'conditional items' that will help defend you or help you take out enemies faster.
AD (physical build)
You're going to start out with a Dorans blade and as many health pots as you can. Same skill build applies to those going AD. After your dorans blade, you can make any boots you prefer. I recommend Berserkers Greaves. After this, you're going to want to rush a Madreds Bloodrazor, as this stacks with your Bio-Arcane Barrage, allowing you to melt 10% of an enemies health with each shot. After this, you'll want a Last Whisper, which already adds to your insane armor penetration. A Guinsoo Rageblade is STILL a good option here. Other items to consider are a Wits End, Infinity Edge, Black Cleaver, Bloodthirster. I do not reccomend Sword of Occult as its damage is inconsistent with each game. The core ends with Last Whisper. After this you can get whichever item you prefer to suit the games needs. Defensive or Offensive. A frozen Mallet is a great choice for a huge health increase as well as the ability to slow any enemy, making you a good team player. Added to your Void Oozes slow, Enemies should have a hard time escaping from you. Trinity Force is also a good item once you've buffed your damage enough, as you spam your abilities like crazy.
Runes, Masteries and Summoner Abilities
For masteries, I run a 9/0/21 build for a caster Kog, grabbing AP/level, Cd reduc and spell penetration in offense and grabbing standard caster talents in Utility. or a 21/0/9 for an attack damage kog. grabbing Crit chance, AS, Arpen, improved damage in offensve and Improved Ghost, Perserverance, Added EXP or Added Mana regen and Greed in utility.
For Runes (caster) I use natural Magic Penetration Reds, Dodge/HP Seals, CD reduc blues and HP Quints
For a physical build, I also use the same runes as you get enough Armor penetration from items (40% from Last Whisper + 50% from a doubled Caustic Spittle)
For Summoner abilities, I ALWAYS run Ghost and Cleanse. Ghost is a superb Chasing ability while Cleanse helps you get rid of stun/slow/debuff which could verywell save your life and score you a kill. PLUS, if you are ghosted when you die, you run faster so you can position your bomb better.
Using Living Artilerry
There is an extremley short delay in it, therefore making it difficult to dodge if your enemy is standing still. Use this when a low enemy is sticking by his tower, making him go back so you can push a little bit, or, if you're lucky, score a kill if he overextends himself and stays. Living Artillery's range at level 3 is HUGE. I'm not even joking, you're a living mortar cannon. Use it to scout brushes, the jungle, or Baron/Dragon. I once KSed Baron using Living Artillery. I also scored a Quadra kill on enemies who stuck around Baron while I unloaded with living artillery. LA is your main move throughout the entire game. Its capable of dropping a squishy target from full to none when used with Void Ooze and a casted Caustic Spittle. With Rylais, it will slow anyone who gets hit by it, so remember that it also is a slow if you get that item.
Laning and Leveling
You can go mid or to a side lane, either way you will be strong. If you go mid, remember to activley cast your Void Ooze once its at level 2/3. It does very low damage at level 1, but its slow can help you land a few hits on an enemy. If you lane, remember to cast Void Ooze on their weakest target, hopefully, without overextending, you can land an early first blood if you lane with a stunner or slower. Kog'maw is not a level 1 king, he only starts getting powerful once you get a high rank of Void Ooze (level 3) and becomes annoying as hell once you get your ulti.
Last Words
Have fun with this guy, he's extremley entertaining, and I found him very enjoyable.
'Target Locked, Open Fire'
'Roger that is a 4 KIA, good hit, good hit'
Remember to say that once you get a kill with it

How Do I Gain Hp Dmg On Kog In Lol Series


How Do I Gain Hp Dmg On Kog In Lol 2

How Do I Gain Hp Dmg On Kog In Lol Build isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Health (also known as HP) is a stat referring to the amount of life a unit or structure has. Death occurs when health runs out with no outstanding effects to survive. Health passively regenerates over time with health regeneration and can be restored through healing, life steal and spell vamp. Health is represented ingame by a green bar situated next to the blue mana bar, with a fraction.